
We’ve discussed how methods such as describe and context are used to set up a structure for our tests, and how it adds an actual test (“example”) to it.

What about the implementation of the test, though?

Let’s look at our code again:

user ="Francisca", "2000-01-01")
expect(user.born_in_leap_year?).to eq true

What does expect do, exactly? And what’s the deal with to and eq (equal)?

These also are methods that RSpec defines for us, so we can describe our expectations in a readable way. That is to say, these methods are RSpec’s equivalent to assertions (assert and friends) in Minitest.

Some people feel they read much better than Minitest’s assertion methods (assert_equal(one, other)), because they express more clearly what’s the actual value, how to compare, and what’s the expected value. Almost like an English sentence.

Technically, expect returns an object that responds to the method to. This method to expects to be passed an object that is a so-called matcher. It will then call the matcher to see if it … well, matches.

Remember that in Ruby you can omit parentheses when calling a method (as long as this doesn’t make your code ambiguous). So we could just as well add them:


Or we could make more visible what the matcher is (if we wanted):

match = eq(true)

The method eq returns an RSpec matcher that simply tests if the object passed to expect is equal to the object passed to eq. This may sound more complicated than it is.

If you have a look at the documentation there are lots and lots of matchers pre-defined, and RSpec makes it easy to define your own matchers, too (we’ll get to that later).

For example:

expect(10).to be > 5
expect([1, 2, 3]).to include 1
expect("Ruby Monstas").to start_with "Ruby"

No matter exactly how the code that implements these methods expect, to, and, for example, eq or start_with works: the purpose is to allow for code that kinda reads like an English sentence. You’ll get used to these pretty soon, once you’ve started writing some RSpec tests.

Just try to remember (or look it up here) that, essentially, you start with expect(whatever_thing_to_test).to, and then you find a matcher that works. eq always is a good start. So you end up with:

expect(whatever_thing_to_test).to eq whatever_you_expect

For example:

expect(your_object.some_method_to_test).to eq "the concrete value that you expect to be returned"

Does that make sense?

Cool. Let’s have a look at another badass feature RSpec comes with.

Magic matchers

RSpec also allows you to use matchers that depend on the methods defined on the object passed.

Wait, what?


Here’s a simple example:

expect(nil).to be_nil

The matcher be_nil expects the method nil? to be defined on the object under test, i.e. the object nil. As a matter of fact, the method nil? is defined on every object in Ruby. And in our case, nil.nil? returns true, of course, so the test would pass.

This test, however, would not pass:

expect(true).to be_nil

Because true.nil? returns false.

Now, our User instances respond to the method born_in_leap_year?. Therefore RSpec allows us to use a matcher be_born_in_leap_year:

user ="Francisca", "2000-01-01")
expect(user).to be_born_in_leap_year


RSpec sees that we’re calling the method be_born_in_leap_year and it figures “Ok, that must mean that the call user.born_in_leap_year? must return true.”

Such “magic” methods are another meta-programming technique that RSpec leverages here. Usually they’re pretty debatable, and often not a great choice. However, in this case, they allow adding this very cool feature to RSpec.

Negating matchers

What if we want to specify that a user is not born in a leap year, though? In other words, if we want to negate our expectation?

RSpec allows us to simply invert a matcher by using the method not_to as opposed to to:

  expect(user).to be_born_in_leap_year # vs
  expect(user).not_to be_born_in_leap_year

This works for all other matchers, too, of course — and to_not can be used interchangeably with not_to:

  expect(1).to eq 1
  expect(2).not_to eq 1

  expect(true).to be true
  expect(false).not_to be true

  expect([1, 2, 3]).to include 1
  expect([1, 2, 3]).to_not include 9

  expect("Ruby Monstas").to start_with "Ruby"
  expect("Ruby Monstas").to_not start_with "Java"

And so on.

Simple expectations

If all this matcher business seems too complicated to you, don’t worry. You’re not the first programmer feeling that way.

For now you can always fall back on comparing actual and expected values like so:

user ="Francisca", "2000-01-01")
actual =
expected = "Francisca"
expect(actual).to eq expected


user ="Francisca", "2000-01-01")
actual = user.born_in_leap_year?
expected = true
expect(actual).to eq expected

That’s some more code to type, but doing that sometimes helps RSpec beginners to understand what’s going on better.